(Revised 1/1/19 ML #3543)
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The purpose of family personal care (FPC) is to assist individuals to remain with their family members and in their own communities. It provides for the provision of extraordinary care payments to the legal spouse of a recipient for the provision of personal care or similar services.
Service Eligibility, Criteria for
The individual receiving Family Personal Care will meet the following criteria:
Service Tasks/Activities
The service tasks/activities within the scope of this service chapter are identified on the Authorization to Provide Medicaid Waiver Services form, SFN 410 and only those listed on the SFN 1012, Monthly Rate Worksheet, can be approved and authorized.
Out-of-Home Care
Payment can be made for days the client is receiving the SAME care from the SAME caregiver-QSP although not in the home they otherwise mutually share. No payment is allowed for clients out-of-state with the exception of clients seeking medical care out of state unless prior approval has been given by an HCBS Program Administrator.
Medical care out of state also requires prior approval from the HCBS Program Administrator.
Provider need not be Present in the Home on a 24-Hour Basis
This provision within the Family Personal Care service is appropriate for clients who can be left alone for routine temporary periods of time (e.g. part-time employment of the qualified family member) without adverse impact to the client’s welfare and safety. The client must agree to be left alone.
Family Personal Care cannot be combined with adult residential care, adult foster care, extended personal care, and transitional living.
Service Combinations
Family Personal Care is an all-inclusive 24-hour service. Therefore, respite care service and Emergency Response System (ERS) along with Family Personal Care is acceptable only as described under the following circumstances:
If clients cannot be safely left alone or supervision is an authorized task on the MRW respite care must be authorized so the spouse can take necessary breaks away from their caregiving responsibilities.
- Respite care must be authorized because FPC providers cannot delegate their care to another individual if a client cannot be safely left alone.
- If informal respite is in place and of benefit to the client, an exception must be obtained from the HCBS Program Administrator.